Jumat, 12 September 2014

ICETD 2013

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Howdy everyone?
before writing everything about the journeys and for the several times i just wanna say thank you for your coming to this blog,
now i would like to share the amazing ICETD 2013 which has been held on the last years, why i say that it's amazing? Continue to reading..

because at the time i was at there as participant from new student in Bandar Lampung University.
i saw some extraordinary people in their field of science dicipline.
International Conference On Engineering and technology development or ICETD 2013 is one of the biggest and annual event in Bandar Lampung University aand Computer Science and Engineering Faculty as the Event Organizer and has been held at auditoriums of Postgraduate campus-UBL. Ladies and gentlemen do you know?
It's amazing, perhaps that was my first experience in following the conference with International Standart, Absolutely i found some scientist in their field such as robotics, Technology Environment and any more, the event has been held as long as 2 days on june 23th-24th, 2013. So many scienctists both from indonesian Universities for example Bandar Lampung University, Gajah Mada University, Bandung Technological University, Gunadarma University, Parahiyangan University, Surya University and abroad such as Malaysia(International Islamc Malaysia University, Malaysia national University) singapore and also some another institutions(Aptikom), they were presentating their discovery in front of public. i enjoyed it, even i tried to confidant asking something to the presentatiners when i wasn't understanding about their topices. My english is not as well as them, i have been in learning process.
i went to there with my new friends in my university, we are in the same field study that's Software Engineering. it crowded, yeahh because there were a lot of participants, more than a hundred participants from several institutions were available there, although the most of them were from UBL such as Mechanical Engineering, Architecture Engineering, Civil Engineering, Software Engineering and Information System but outside of UBL was coming to its event.
i got any knowledge that i didn't know, so i hope for next year the event like this will be held again.

Thank you for your reading.

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